Phillip Cash Management Open End Fund

Fund Type:

Money Market Fund

Minimum Subscription Amount:

Not fixed

Fund Registration Date:

7 August 2007

Risk Level (1 - 8):


Dividend Policy:


Fund Information

Fund Name:

Phillip Cash Management Open End Fund

Fund Code:


Fund Type:

Money Market Fund



Investment Policy Phillip Treasury Management Fund (PCASH) is a fund that invests in debt instruments and/or deposits or any other financial instruments that are repayable on demand. or will be due for repayment no later than 397 days from the investment date including securities or other property or finding fruit By the way, according to the SEC or give approval to the Investment Fund to maintain a portfolio view Corporation (Portfolio Duration) of the Fund at any time up to 92 days will fund. Do not invest in futures contracts and instruments with embedded derivatives (Structured Notes) Project objectives To create returns for general investors who want to receive a return on their investment in short to medium term. by investing in debt instruments or short-term financial instruments with stability and high liquidity for the opportunity to receive higher returns than the deposit interest rate under acceptable risk

Fund Registration Date:

7 August 2007

Ordering and Redemption of Investment Units

Ordering and redemption of investment units

Not fixed.
8.30 - 15.30 every business day.

Redemption of investment units

No scheduled.
8:30 to 15:00 pm. Every day.

Refund Period

Not more than T+2 business days.


Unitholder’s Expense(% Of Trading Value)Maximum FeeActual Fee
sales fee none none
Redemption Fee none none
Switching fee none none
Fund's Direct Expenses(% Of Trading Value) Maximum Fee Actual Fee
Management Fee: 0.642% 0.1293%
Trustee Fee:0.0321% 0.0187%
Registrar Fee:0.107%0.0515%
Other Fee: 0.8239% Actually Paid
The above fees are VAT included

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